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Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Kyrgyzstan earthquake leaves 13 dead and 86 injured

A magnitude 6.1 struck Kyrgyzstan on 19th July 2011 at 19:35 UTC. According to the USGS the earthquake had a depth of 16km (9.9 miles) and is believed to have been caused by reverse slip fault. The earthquake was felt in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. According to officials, 13 people died and 86 people were injured. Numerous historic houses were also damaged or destroyed, forcing victims to find temporary accommodation with relatives or friends. Reports suggest that one victim was found dead after he jumped from his house during the earthquake in Tajikistan, whilst the others were reported in Uzbekistan.

These densely populated regions are tectonically active and have suffered numerous earthquakes in the past. A magnitude 7.4 earthquake in 1974 was the largest historic earthquake recorded, leaving thousands homeless. In 2008 a magnitude 6.6 earthquake killed 80 people in Kyrgyzstan.

By Saajeda Bandali

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