This special blog covers tsunamis today!
What are tsunamis and what causes them?
The name tsunami
originates from the Japanese word for ‘harbour wave’, they are also referred to
as seismic waves. The word tidal wave has in the past been used to describe
tsunamis, which is incorrect since tsunamis are not tidal waves and are
produced by different mechanisms.
Tsunamis involve the
vertical or horizontal displacement of water and propagate long distances from
source travelling at speeds of over 500 km per hour in the open ocean. The
speed is dependent on the depth of the water body in which the tsunami has been
Tsunamis are generated by
earthquakes, landslides (surface or subsurface), volcanoes (including edifice
collapse and pyroclastic flows) and near earth objects. They occur in oceans or
other enclosed water bodies such as lakes.
When tsunamis are generated in the open ocean
they are undetectable, characterised by long wavelengths and short amplitudes
(1 metre or less) and as they approach the coast this changes; the wavelength
decreases and amplitude increases, therefore increasing the runup distance and
height. This is dependent on various factors such as bathymetry, topography,
coastal characteristics and tsunami characteristics such as speed.

Landslide generated tsunami (Source: SOEST, 2003)
Characteristics of a tsunami (Source: NOAA)
Generation of a tsunami by an earthquake at a subduction zone (Source: NOAA)
Generation of a tsunami
- 95% of tsunamis are cause by earthquakes of magnitudes greater than 7.0 and depths less than 30 km. The majority of these tsunamigenic earthquakes occur in subduction zones where a large vertical movements occurs on the fault.
- Tsunamis generated by earthquakes have caused the largest fatalities and greatest damage. They also propagate the furthest from source.
- 81% of tsunamis are generated by earthquakes, 6% by volcanoes, 3% by landslides and 10% from unknown sources.
- 81% Based on 13,000 runup locations of where tsunami effects were observed; 82% have occurred in the Pacific Ocean, 9% in the Indian Ocean, 4% in the Mediterranean Sea, 3% in the Atlantic Ocean and 2% in the Caribbean Sea.
- 21% of volcano fatalities have been a result of volcanogenic tsunamis.
- Between 1900 to present, over 700 fatalities have occurred from Tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean.
- 2000 B.C was the first recorded tsunami which occurred on the coast of Syria. Tsunamis have been well documented especially in Japan and the Mediterranean areas.
- 42 deadly tsunamis have occurred since 1975. 70% of these occurred in the Pacific Ocean.
- Between 1610 BC to AD 2016, 1235 confirmed tsunamis have occurred of which 249 were deadly. 76% of these occurred in the Pacific Ocean and 87% were caused by earthquakes.
- Tsunamis have caused over 500,000 fatalities over the world. The Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 is responsible for 227,898 of these fatalities.
- Between 1900 to 1990 an estimated 33,500 fatalities have occurred from tsunamis. Between 1990 to 2004, over 230,00 fatalities have occurred due to tsunamis.
- The September 2009 American Samoa tsunami, February 2010 Chile tsunami and October 2010 Indonesia tsunami in combination have caused over 400 fatalities.
- The highest recorded tsunami was nearly 525 metres high (1720 feet). It was caused by an earthquake in Lituya Bay, south east of Alaska in 1958. Two fatalities resulted from this tsunami.
- In the Mediterranean Sea, 84% of tsunamis have been caused by earthquakes and 4% by volcano eruptions.
- According to EM-DAT, between 1900 to 2009, 240,959 fatalities have occurred as a result of tsunamis. 2.48 million others have been affected. This is an underestimate as the Indian Ocean tsunami itself affected millions.
- An average of one damaging tsunami event per year takes place.
- 95% of the most damaging take place in the Pacific Ocean.
- On average tsunamis cause 300 deaths per year.
- Millions of coastal population are at risk from tsunamis. 1.2 million are on the western coast of U.S alone.
- Tsunamis are a significant hazard in the Caribbean Sea where 77 tsunami events have been recorded. An example is the magnitude 8.1 earthquake which generated a tsunami in 1946 killing 1800 people.
· Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004 (also known as the Boxing Day tsunami and Sumatra-Andaman earthquake): This tsunami event bought the hazard into the public eye and demonstrated the vulnerability of the world's coastal population and the lack of warning and preparedness in the Indian Ocean.
It was caused by a magnitude 9.1 earthquake on the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, with a focus of 30 km and duration of approximately 10 minutes. This earthquake is the third largest recorded earthquake in the world. The magnitude of the earthquake has been controversial with estimates ranging from 9.1 to 9.3. The tsunami generated, had runup heights of between 15 to 30 metres and the maximum runup height recorded was 50.9 metres in Lhoknga, Indonesia.
The tsunami caused devastation
in numerous countries including Indonesia, which was the worst affected country
followed by Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. Entire coastal villages and towns
were wiped out. The economic losses are estimated to be over $10 billion.
According to Reliefweb, the
tsunami claimed an estimated 227,898 lives, left 1,126,900 homeless and
affected 14 countries including Indonesia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka,
Maldives, Somalia, Malaysia, Tanzania, Myanmar, Seychelles, Bangladesh, Madagascar,
South Africa and Kenya. The number of death toll is underestimated and the true
death toll of this tsunami may never be known as thousands were swept away into
the ocean.
Before this tsunami event,
warning systems which could have saved thousands of lives were not in place.
Today, a tsunami warning system is in place for the Indian Ocean and numerous
risk reduction methods are also taking place such as exercises.
Extensive research, data,
images, videos and documentaries can be found on this event.
Estimated first arrival times in hours (Source: NOAA)
Maximum computed tsunami amplitudes (Source: NOAA)
Tsunami propagation (Source: NOAA)
Please note the videos below contain upsetting footage
Impact of the tsunami (Source: NASA)
Impact of the tsunami
Impact of the tsunami
Impact of the tsunami
· Japan 2011 (Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami):
On 11 March 2011 at 2:46 pm local time,
an earthquake measuring 9.0 struck 231
miles (373 km) north east of the capital Tokyo and 80 miles (130 km) east of
Sendai on the island of Honshu, causing total devastation in numerous regions.
The earthquake was the highest magnitude to hit the country and one of the
largest recorded in the world. Large aftershocks measuring magnitude 6 and
above followed the earthquake. The
poster by USGS below shows more details on the earthquake.
Japan 2011 earthquake poster (Source: USGS)
The tsunami generated had a maximum runup height of
38 metres. The destruction was unprecedented and widespread; buildings and
properties were destroyed or washed away by the lethal power of the tsunami, if
not damaged and crushed by the earthquake already. Entire towns and villages
were also washed away. Miles of roads and other infrastructure were destroyed,
trains carrying passengers went missing; assumed to be washed away as well and
fires caused further destruction.
According to Reliefweb, more 15,882 people were
confirmed dead, 400,000 were displaced, 2668 were left missing. The tsunami
destroyed 130,000 houses, severely damaged 260,000 more and inundated 500 km2
of land.
Tsunami defenses in place failed during this event.
According to the USGS, the defenses were built for tsunamis generated by a
magnitude 8.0 earthquake and not a magnitude 9.0, i.e. they were not prepared
for a 1 in 1000-year tsunami event.
Another phenomenon that occurred as a result of the displacement of the water during the earthquake was the creation of a whirlpool. Astonishing footage captured showed how boats were being pulled into the whirlpool.
Another phenomenon that occurred as a result of the displacement of the water during the earthquake was the creation of a whirlpool. Astonishing footage captured showed how boats were being pulled into the whirlpool.
The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant put authorities on
high alert leading to the evacuation of an estimated 3000 people when the
cooling system failed to shut down during the earthquake. On 12 March an
explosion occurred at the power plant, injuring 4 workers and releasing
radioactive material. The population within 20 km of the power plant were
evacuated immediately. The nuclear accident is well documented and further information
on this can be widely found. Extensive
research, data, images, videos and documentaries can be found on this event.
Summary of damage and fatalities caused by the earthquake and tsunami (Source: Reliefweb)
The images below show examples of the devastation caused by the tsunami in Japan. You can also view videos of the tsunami and the damage on YouTube.
(Source: AP)
(Source: AP)
(Source: AP)
(Source: AP)
(Source: AP)
· The eruptions of Santorini in Greece
(1650BC) and Krakatoa in Indonesia (1883) caused tsunamis reaching heights of
over 46 meters and 40 meters, caused either by edifice collapse or/and
pyroclastic flows. These events wiped out the entire Minoan population in the
Santorini case and claimed 36,000 lives in Indonesia.
· A magnitude 7.0 earthquake in 1998 of the coast of Papua New Guinea caused a submarine landslide measuring an estimated 4 km cubed. A 15 metre tsunami was generated by this landslide, killed 2200 people. 12,000 were made homeless and extensive damage was caused. Three villages were entirely wiped out and four were extensively damaged.
· 1955 Lisbon earthquake: An earthquake
measuring a magnitude 8.5 in the Atlantic Ocean generated a tsunami with an
estimated height of between 5 to 15 metres. This tsunami impacted the coasts of
Portugal and Morocco. An estimated 60,000 people died, although this may be an
overestimate since the majority of fatalities occurred as a result of the
earthquake itself.
· Storegga Landslide: 8200 years ago, a
landslide generated a tsunami affecting the coasts of west Norway (10-13 metres
high), Shetland (20-30 metres high), north east Scotland (3-6 metres high) and
Faroe Islands (10 metres high).
It is currently impossible to accurately predict
when and where a tsunami will occur, however it is possible to identify areas
which are susceptible to tsunamis. This being said, it is possible to
accurately forecast the tsunami arrival times and areas of impact once the
tsunami has been generated and measured by ocean sensors. Once issued, warnings
can allow minutes or hours to prepare and evacuate to higher ground. Effective
communication of warnings and alerts is also essential to meet the purpose of
early warning systems successfully.
For local tsunamis, warnings are generally not sufficient as the first wave can arrive within minutes. This makes preparedness, including education and raising awareness essential to successfully reduce fatalities.
For local tsunamis, warnings are generally not sufficient as the first wave can arrive within minutes. This makes preparedness, including education and raising awareness essential to successfully reduce fatalities.
Today, technology such as GIS, Remote Sensing and
complex numerical models exist to detect, monitor, predict, forecast and mitigate
or assess the propagation and impacts of tsunamis.
Tsunami Monitoring and Warning Centres/Organisations:
Tsunami Monitoring and Warning Centres/Organisations:
· Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC)
International Group for Tsunami Warnings in the
National Tsunami Warning Centre
· Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System
for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions
Japan Tsunami Warning Centre (part of Japan
Meteorological Agency)
The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre
Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation
North-Eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean and
connected seas Tsunami Information Centre
Tsunami Warning/Alert Messages:
Below are the definitions of the Tsunami Warning/Alerts message issued by the PTWC.
Warning - A tsunami warning is issued when a tsunami with the potential to
generate widespread inundation is imminent, expected, or occurring. Warnings
alert the public that dangerous coastal flooding accompanied by powerful
currents is possible and may continue for several hours after initial arrival.
Warnings alert emergency management officials to take action for the entire
tsunami hazard zone. Appropriate actions to be taken by local officials may
include the evacuation of low-lying coastal areas, and the repositioning of
ships to deep waters when there is time to safely do so. Warnings may be
updated, adjusted geographically, downgraded, or canceled. To provide the
earliest possible alert, initial warnings are normally based only on seismic
Tsunami Advisory - A
tsunami advisory is issued when a tsunami with the potential to generate strong
currents or waves dangerous to those in or very near the water is imminent,
expected, or occurring. The threat may continue for several hours after initial
arrival, but significant inundation is not expected for areas under an
advisory. Appropriate actions to be taken by local officials may include
closing beaches, evacuating harbors and marinas, and the repositioning of ships
to deep waters when there is time to safely do so. Advisories are normally
updated to continue the advisory, expand/contract affected areas, upgrade to a
warning, or cancel the advisory.
Tsunami Watch - A tsunami
watch is issued to alert emergency management officials and the public of an
event which may later impact the watch area. The watch area may be upgraded to
a warning or advisory - or canceled - based on updated information and
analysis. Therefore, emergency management officials and the public should
prepare to take action. Watches are normally issued based on seismic
information without confirmation that a destructive tsunami is underway.
Information Statement - A tsunami information statement is issued to inform
emergency management officials and the public that an earthquake has occurred,
or that a tsunami warning, watch or advisory has been issued for another
section of the ocean. In most cases, information statements are issued to
indicate there is no threat of a destructive tsunami and to prevent unnecessary
evacuations as the earthquake may have been felt in coastal areas. An
information statement may, in appropriate situations, caution about the
possibility of destructive local tsunamis. Information statements may be
re-issued with additional information, though normally these messages are not
updated. However, a watch, advisory or warning may be issued for the area, if
necessary, after analysis and/or updated information becomes available.
Tsunami Warning/Alerts message definitions (Source: NOAA)
Example of tsunami risk mitigation (Source: NOAA)
Tsunami Databases:
EU GITEC, GITEC-Two –Genesis and Impact of
Tsunamis on the EU Coasts
The Novosibirsk Tsunami Laboratory
NCEI (NGDC/WDC) – National Centre for
Environmental Information NOAA
Useful Link:
· Tsunami Database: NCEI (NGDC/WDC) –
National Centre for Environmental Information (NOAA) Tsunami Database: NCEI (NGDC/WDC)
· North-Eastern
Atlantic, Mediterranean and connected seas Tsunami Information Center NEARMTIC
Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Center IOTIC
ESSO - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information
Services INCOIS
TsunamiReady Program, NOAA TsunamiReady
Tsunami, NOAA NOAA Tsunamis
International Tsunami Information Center ITIC
· The Tsunami story, NOAA The tsunami story
· Reliefweb, Japan earthquake and tsunami 24 month
report Japan earthquake/tsunami 24 month report
· Reliefweb, Great East Japan Earthquake, Learning
from Megadisasters Learning from megadisasters
· Reliefweb, Great East Japan Earthquake, Learning
from Megadisasters report Learning from megadisasters
2016 Tsunami Day videos:
· NOAA, Tsunami, Available online at:
· Rougier J., Sparks S. and Hill L.,
(2013), Risk and Uncertainty Assessment for Natural Hazards, Cambridge
University Press.
· Alexander, D. (2002) Natural
Disasters, London, Routledge.
· USGS, (n.d), Tsunami and earthquake
research at USGS, Available online at: http://walrus.wr.usgs.gov/tsunami
· Mehdiyev M., Smarakoon L., Kyaw S.O.
and Jagath Rajapaksha (2005) Tsunami disaster damage detection and assessment
using high resolution satellite data, GIS and GPS- Case study in Sri Lanka.
Asian Institute of Technology, Geoinformatics Center Available online at:
http://www.apng.org/9thcamp/Slide/Rittick.pdf Accessed 11/02/2008
· Koshmura S., Oie T., Yanagisawa H.
and Imamura F. (n.d), Vulnerability estimation in Banda Aceh using the tsunami
numerical model and the post-tsunami survey data. Available online at:
· Papathoma M. and Dominey D. (2003),
Tsunami vulnerability assessment and its implications for coastal hazard
analysis and disaster management planning, Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Natural
Hazards and Earth System Sciences. Volume 3, pp. 733–747
· Venturato A. J., Titov V. V., Arcas
D., Gonzalez F. I. and Chamberlin C.D. (2005), Reducing the Impact: U.S.
Tsunami Forecast Modeling and Mapping Efforts. ESRI International User
Conference Proceedings. Available online at:
· Esri (2007) GIS for disaster
recovery. Available online at:
· Papathamo M., Dominey-Howes D., Zong
Y. and Smith D. (2003), Assessing tsunami vulnerability, an example from
Herakleio, Crete. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. Volume 3,
pp. 377–389
Helal M.A. and Mehanna M.S. (2008),
Tsunamis from nature to physics,
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 36, Issue 4, pp. 787-796
· Pietrzak Julie, Socquet Anne, Ham
David, Wim Simons, Vigny Christophe, Labeur Robert Jan, Schrama Ernst, Stelling
Guus and Vatvani Deepak (2007), Defining the source region of the Indian Ocean
Tsunami from GPS, altimeters, tide gauges and tsunami models, Earth and
Planetary Science Letters, Volume 261, Issues 1-2, 15, pp. 49-64
· Obura David (2006), Impacts of the
26 December 2004 tsunami in Eastern Africa
Ocean &Coastal Management, Volume 49, Issue 11, pp. 873-888
Kharif Christian and Pelinovsky Efim
(2005), Asteroid impact tsunamis
Comptes Rendus Physique, Volume 6, Issue 3, Pages 361-366
McAdoo B.G and Watts P. (2004),
Tsunami hazard from submarine landslides on the Oregon continental slope, Marine
Geology, Volume 203, Issues 3-4, pp. 235-245
· Cita M.B and Aloisi G. (2000),
Deep-sea tsunami deposits triggered by the explosion of Santorini (3500 y
BP), eastern Mediterranean, Sedimentary Geology, Volume 135, Issues
1-4, pp. 181-203
· Monaghan J.J., Bicknell P.J.
and Humble R.J. (1994), Volcanoes, Tsunamis and the demise of the Minoans Physica
D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Volume 77, Issues 1-3, 1 October 1994,
pp. 217-228
Yokoyama I. (1987), A scenario of
the 1883 Krakatau tsunami, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volume 34, Issues
1-2, pp. 123-132
Francis P.W (1985), The origin of
the 1883 Krakatau tsunamis, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volume 25, Issues
3-4, pp. 349-363
· Pari Y., Ramana Murthy N.V, Jaya
kumar S, Subramanian B.R. and Ramachandran S. (2007), Morphological changes at
Vellar estuary, India—Impact of the December 2004 tsunami, Journal of
Environmental Management.
· Thanawood Chanchai, Yongchalermchai
Chao and Densrisereekul Omthip (2006), Effects of the December 2004 tsunami and
disaster mitigation in southern Thailland, Science
of Tsunami Hazards, Volume 24, No. 3, pp. 206
· Environmental Waikato (2008), How
tsunamis develop. Available online at:
SOEST Communications & Outreach
(2003), Modern threat of tsunamis. Available online at:
· Alquist A.E. (2007), The tsunami
wave. Available online at: www.seismic.ca.gov/tsunami.html
· Tappin D.R, Watts P., McMurtry G.M.,
Lafoy Y. and Matsumoto T. (2001), The Sissano, Papua New Guinea tsunami of July
1998 - offshore evidence on the source mechanism. Marine Geology, Volume
175, Issues 1-4, 15, pp. 1-23
· Tsunami Database: NCEI (NGDC/WDC) –
National Centre for Environmental Information (NOAA) https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/hazard/tsu_db.shtml
· North-Eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean and connected
seas Tsunami Information Center http://neamtic.ioc-unesco.org/
· Indian Ocean Tsunami Information
Center http://iotic.ioc-unesco.org/
· ESSO - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information
Services http://www.incois.gov.in/Incois/tsunami/eqevents.jsp
· TsunamiReady Program, NOAA http://www.tsunamiready.noaa.gov/
· Tsunami, NOAA http://www.tsunami.noaa.gov/
· International Tsunami Information
Center http://itic.ioc-unesco.org/index.php
· The tsunami story, NOAA http://www.tsunami.noaa.gov/tsunami_story.html
· Reliefweb, Japan earthquake and
tsunami 24 month report http://reliefweb.int/report/japan/japan-earthquake-and-tsunami-24-month-report
· Reliefweb, Great East Japan Earthquake,
Learning from Megadisasters http://reliefweb.int/report/world/great-east-japan-earthquake-learning-megadisasters
· Reliefweb, Great East Japan
Earthquake, Learning from Megadisasters report http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/drm_exsum_english.pdf
Great information. Very well researched!!!