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Friday 6 June 2014

Sangeang Api causes air travel disruption

Following an increase in seismic activity, Mount Sangeang Api, erupted on 30th May. The volcano is located off the coast of Sumbawa Island and forms a 13 km island known as Sangeang. It is known as one of the most active volcano in the Lesser Sunda Island.

The eruption began at 15:55on 30th May causing an ash plume to rise 3 km into the atmosphere.  The column travelled to the west of the volcano and the Alert Level was raised to 3 (on a scale of 1-4). On 31st May at 13:30 and 22:42, to large explosions took place causing ash plumes to rise 13.7 to 15.2 km (45,000-50,000 ft) into the atmosphere. The ash plumes travelled 280 km northwest affecting Bima Regency

The volcanic island is inhabited and used only for farming purposes, therefore no fatalities or injuries were reported. Authorities did however order an evacuation of 135 residents within 1.5 km of the volcano as precautionary measures.

As a result of the ash plume, flights were cancelled or disrupted in Bima and Tabmolaka Airports and Darwin Airport due to safety concerns. According to reports flights have now resumed.

The eruption is yet to seize. On 1st June ash plumes reached heights of 4.3 km and travelled west and southwest and on 2-3rd June further ash plumes reached heights of 3-4.3 km and drifted 45 km west.

Source: NASA

Source: NASA

 Source: NASA

Source: NASA

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